![load board for truckers](https://wahydlogistics.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Blog-Post-FB-ad.png)
A load board is a load matching service for truckers to find available load quickly. Now Wahyd Logistics has launched its load board for truckers in Pakistan.
On Wahyd Logistics marketplace you have plenty of features to help you cut down fleet idling and eliminate the empty miles. Our Free load board for truckers offers you many search options to find the exact kind of load that fits your needs.
Wahyd Logistics Load Board Features
- Filters to find the most relevant load matches
- Expired loads removed daily
- Receive auto notifications when new loads are added that match your requirements
- Accessible from the convenience of a smartphone, tablet, and desktop computer
Benefits Of Online Load Board For Truckers
For decades, the trucking business has used truck load boards. These boards were formerly placed at truck addas. Wahyd Logistics has now digitized it so that it may be found on your computer or phone, allowing them to be discovered virtually anywhere.
Following are a few of the numerous advantages of utilizing Wahyd Logistics load boards for truckers, owner operators, and fleet managers.
- It helps owner operators and fleet managers to locate loads more quickly.
- Assist new transporters in getting their firms up and running more quickly, allowing them to discover truck loads that correspond to their location and equipment.
- Open new possibilities for truckers in areas of the country where they may not have previously been able to find loads.
- Transporters can reserve their next load in the region of their present drop off location to help them save time and money.
- Allow truckers to negotiate the price
So, why wait any longer?
Download our app for Transporter, call 03447778111 or create your Free account and start finding loads!
Frequently Asked Questions:
With shippers app and website, Wahyd Logistics has made it simple for the shippers to post load for Free
No subscription is required. The Load Board for Truckers is available for free to any transporter with Wahyd Logistics Transporter account. Sign up today!
If you find a load that you want to book, please call 03447778111 or click the apply button to offer your bid